TVS transient diode is a high performance circuit protection devices currently used internationally, it is the same with the common diode, divided into two categories of shaft and patch, can absorb up to several kilowatts of power surge, its main feature is the reverse application conditions, when bear a pulse high energy, the impedance immediately to a lower turn-on value, thereby allowing a large current through the voltage clamp at the predetermined level, the response time is only 10-12 milliseconds, it can effectively protect the precision components in electronic circuit. Bidirectional TVS can be instantaneous pulse power absorption in two positive and negative direction, and the voltage clamped to a predetermined level, two-way TVS is suitable for AC circuit, one-way TVS is generally used in DC circuit. Can be used for anti lightning, anti over voltage, anti interference, absorb surge power and so on, is an ideal protective device. Watt (W) said the ability to tolerate.
(TVS transient diode in circuit design applications)
The application of TVS transient diode: has been widely used in computer, communication equipment, AC / DC power supply, automobile, electronic ballasts, household appliances, instruments, RS232/422/423/485, I/O (meter), LAN, ISDN, ADSL, USB, MP3, PDAS, GPS, CDMA, GSM, digital camera, protection common mode and differential mode protection, RF protection, motor drive coupling /IC receiving electromagnetic interference suppression, audio / video input, sensor / transmission, control circuit, relay, contactor noise suppression etc..